a deeper look

Marketing Expert for Aesthetic Brands Ready to Scale Their Business

Mandy Ford

Mandy Ford, the ultimate marketing confidant, initially made a name for herself as an exceptional luxury wedding photographer in Tahoe and Southern California. Recognizing the importance of marketing for photographers, she consolidated her ad strategy expertise and developed a highly sought-after course, Luxury Leads. This course provides photographers with a comprehensive marketing strategy focusing on sustainability and revenue growth rather than chasing trends.

Mandy Ford has rebuilt her photography business multiple times due to military relocation, gaining invaluable knowledge on how to succeed as an online entrepreneur.

a little background

About the Project

A long form sales page written for a very niche market and with very ambitious conversion rates...that we exceeded.

To speak to photographers as a photographer and demonstrate that this is the course they need to move the needle in their business.

...with flair




Project highlights

Mandy, a luxury photographer turned educator in her field, has a wealth of invaluable knowledge to share. Her Luxury Leads ad strategy course provides her community with a golden opportunity they can't afford to miss.

It's time you finally said goodbye to the painful, dancing on the internet, hamster-wheel approach to marketing, and hello to actionable ad strategy you can implement right now.

With Kathryn's help, I was able to finally streamline my message and present it in a way that my audience related to and understood completely.

-Mandy Ford

Kathryn's expertise in consolidating and organizing my sales page was a game-changer for me.

Ready to market your incredible offer?

Let's craft compelling copy that not only demonstrates the value of your offer, but has your dream clients saying yes ASAP!